Web3 & Blockchain World to be held this November 8-9 in Toronto, Canada
31 March, 2023 | Press-releases

Hosted by The Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) and MCI Canada, the Web3 & Blockchain World (W3B) will be held November 8-9, 2022, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, in Toronto, Canada. Formerly known as Blockchain Revolution Global (BRG), Web3 & Blockchain World (W3B) brings together the foremost leaders, thinkers, and innovators in the blockchain space under one global format to educate, inspire, and prepare you to be part of the transformation that Web3 is bringing to business, government, and society.
The overall theme for this year’s event is Digital Assets: Digital Transformation.
This theme explores how blockchain and Web3 are becoming the operating system of the next era of the
digital age, enabling the digitization of all assets and the transformation of enterprises.
Sessions have been designed to maximize opportunities for interaction among invited experts and attendees—whether in-person or online.
Attendees will have the option to navigate between eight different thematic streams: Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Supply Chain Revolution, Web3 Platforms and DAOs, NFTs and Other Digital Assets, Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), Digital Identity, The Metaverse and Hybrid Spaces, and Healthcare Revolution.
Visit w3bworld.org for more information. Media inquiries to [email protected]