Live Crypto Prices

Top 100 Cryptocurrencies by Market Capitalization - March 2025

There are over 10,000 cryptocurrencies on the market today. It’s hard to keep track of all of them! On this page, you will find all cryptocurrencies with price graphs updated in real time. It’s easy to compare market capitalization, volume, supply and more between cryptocurrencies. Do you want to see prices in dollar (USD), euro (EUR), pounds (GBP) or any other currency? Choose anyone below! You can also search and sort between all cryptocurrencies.

Want to know more about any cryptocurrency? Just click on it for a short description and more information! We help you compare and buy cryptocurrency. The prices of cryptocurrencies move up and down all the time. We recommend keeping track of all prices by comparing their charts. The price graph on the right shows the price development during the last 7 days (swipe to the right if you’re on the mobile). This gives you much more information to analyze and trends on the price. Compare cryptocurrencies below →

(At the bottom of this page you will find frequently asked questions and answers. For example, we answer the questions: Is cryptocurrency legal? Why do Bitcoin have value? How do I buy cryptocurrency? Which exchange has the lowest fees?)

# NamePriceChanges 24H Changes 1Y Market CapVolume 24HPrice Graph (7D)

Frequently Asked Questions

A cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency. It’s called cryptocurrency because all transactions are protected by cryptography. However, the revolutionary with cryptocurrencies is the blockchain technology. This makes them completely decentralized. In other words, there is no bank, company or intermediary. By removing all middlemen you avoid expensive fees, long waiting times and the need to trust a third party. With cryptocurrency, you send money faster, cheaper and easier.

Yes! It is completely legal to use cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Individuals are allowed to use which currency they want as long as both parties agree on the same means of payment. However, there are countries that have indirectly or partially prohibited cryptocurrency. The reason for this varies, but generally, the government wants more control over the financial market. Here is a list of all countries’ laws about Bitcoin.

As with all currencies, the value depends on supply and demand. Bitcoin has value because there are high demand and low supply. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are available in limited amounts in the same way as precious metals such as Gold.

Also, normal fiat currencies such as Dollar and Euro have no limited supply. The central bank is creating more and more money which leads to inflation. Bitcoin protects your money from inflation.

Buying cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin doesn’t have to be difficult at all! We have a buying guide with simple step-by-step instructions to buy cryptocurrency directly with your bank card.

The fees become more important, the more cryptocurrency you exchange. The lowest fees can be found at exchanges with high volume order books. To get the lowest fee you should buy/sell with a limit order.

You should choose a large cryptocurrency exchange with low fees. We have selected the best exchange with the lowest fees on the market. Scroll down!

Does a smaller exchange offer lower fees? You trade on your own risk! There may be hidden fees.